Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Mozilla source files for developers

Spread Firefox Affiliate Button
The open source product mozilla allows developers to create own way of browser...
they given source file for developer to make use it.. with conditions apply... don't use firefox logos or any name follows firefox... these source files are called nightlybuilds..


Mozilla addon (Web tool kit for developer-stable)

Mozilla has developed more addons for everyone needs.. in that way developers are also satisfied with some powerful addons like Newsfox, Noscript, Stumbleupon, Flashblock, Adblockplus...
There is also a complete web developer extension addon which adds a menu and a toolbar with various web developer tools... to get these addons make use fo these links


The new pidgin for chat lovers

This is updated version of gaim chat application.. people who love linux.. might be follow this.. now i found little change in windows users now they are migrating to pidgin chat application... which is packed with lots of chat support plugins and its also a user friendly application... try it here...


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