Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Faster Website Tips

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hi friends... As a developer for a website they have some capabilities to make a complete website with lots of stuffs included... but most of them were not aware of certian basic steps for loading a web page faster an any.. ya these steps are mandatory for a faster loading web page... let me tell you some of those...

* Rule 1 - Make Fewer HTTP Requests
* Rule 2 - Use a Content Delivery Network
* Rule 3 - Add an Expires Header
* Rule 4 - Gzip Components
* Rule 5 - Put Stylesheets at the Top
* Rule 6 - Put Scripts at the Bottom
* Rule 7 - Avoid CSS Expressions
* Rule 8 - Make JavaScript and CSS External
* Rule 9 - Reduce DNS Lookups
* Rule 10 - Minify JavaScript
* Rule 11 - Avoid Redirects
* Rule 12 - Remove Duplicate Scripts
* Rule 13 - Configure ETags
* Rule 14 - Make AJAX Cacheable
and to know about more.. visit

1 comment:

  1. All good rules and essential for website speed. From experience it takes a lot of time and ongoing attention to do the above 'by hand', i'd recommend a website accelerator like http://www.aptimize.com/how-it-works to automate the whole process - I would never go back to doing it myself.


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